A musical adaptation of the famous novella “The Little Prince” written by French author Antoine de Saint Exupery is on stage for children and young adults at Honar Theater Hall in Tehran.
The main character of the story, known as ‘little prince’, lives in a far away asteroid. One day he leaves his beloved rose in the small asteroid and comes to earth and meets an aviator, a fox, a snake and some odd people.
For the Persian adaption, the story has been rewritten by Bahram Jalalipour and directed by Anahita Qanizadeh, ILNA reported on its Persian website.
Actors Ali Barouti, Hadieh Haj-Taheri, Hani Hosseini, Soudeh Sa’adaei and Rana Qaderi perform in the play.
Musicians include Sina Kalout who plays viola and Mohammad Sadeq Farzaneh on bass violin. A choir group comprising Farnaz Saheri, Mahdis Darolnojoumi, Ramin Kohan and Farshid Fardian accompanies the musicians.
The book was first published in 1943 by Exupery (1900-1944), a writer, poet and aviator. It has been translated into 300 languages and dialects, selling nearly two million copies annually. With a total sale of over 140 million worldwide, it has become one of the best-selling books ever published.
The play will run until the end of July. The venue is located at Varzandeh St., Shahid Mofateh St, Haft-e Tir Sq.