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Setar Nights at Roudaki Hall

Roudaki Hall is going to host concerts by 12 setar players.

“Setar Nights” is slated for July 17-19. Each night four setar players will perform, according to the Persian website of The concerts are organized under the auspices of Naghmeh-Hesar institute. Traditional, classical and folk pieces will also be performed at the concerts.

Ramin Jazayeri, Babak Rahati, Sepideh Meshki and Arzhang Hosseini are performers on the first night.

The second night will see Shahab Azin-Mehr, Tinoush Bahrami, Arzhang Seyfizadeh and Pouyan Biglar. On the third night Mehdi Rostami, Vesal Arabzadeh, Fariba Hedayati and Hadi Azarpira will perform. Tickets are available at Roudaki Hall is located on Shahryar Blvd., Hafez Street, South of Enqelab Avenue.