Young sculptor Maryam Rahimi has featured her solo artwork exhibition at Shirin Art Gallery in an exhibit that opened June 15 and will run until July 4.
Titled Hyper Ego, it is a showcase of colorful sculptures made by the artist that focuses on “ego” in the human psyche, Gallery Info reported.
“Human ego in each period of its existence has a different shape or color…but in the end all merge into a one holistic self,” Rahimi said.
Ego is a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance. According to Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud’s concept of human psyche, ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires (Id) and moral conscience (super ego).
Shirin Art Gllery is located at No. 5, 13th Alley, Sanaee St., Karimkhan Ave.