Art And Culture

Surrealist Paintings on Mirror Reflections

Surrealist Paintings  on Mirror Reflections
Surrealist Paintings  on Mirror Reflections

A painting exhibition by Sara Ashrafi will open at Galerie de la Treille in the southwestern Swiss city of Sion.
Titled ‘Mirrors Are in Deep Slumber,’ the solo exhibit is slated for April 23-May 1. On display will be 12 surrealist paintings created with acrylic on canvas.
“People of societies I visit are the subjects of my paintings. I regard my canvas as a mirror reflecting what I’ve observed…Since childhood, the fact that one cannot see their own face without using a mirror has preoccupied part of my mind. A mirror is somehow similar to eyes but eyes can look deep and analyze what they see” Ashrafi told Honaronline.


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