Art And Culture

LaBute’s 9/11 Play in Persian

LaBute’s 9/11 Play in Persian
LaBute’s 9/11 Play in Persian

One of the first major theatrical responses to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the US, titled ‘The Mercy Seat’, is going to be staged in Tehran by theater director and actor Emad Qolipour.
Qolipour, 29, has renamed the 2002 play to ‘Ark of Covenant’ and will bring it on stage at Baran Theater from April 29-June 1, ISNA reported.
The play was written by American playwright, film director, screenwriter and actor Neil LaBute, 55. It is rendered in Persian by author and translator Fahimeh Zahedi. The Persian edition is 70 minutes long.


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