Art And Culture

Metalworking Course in Saba Institute

Metalworking Course in  Saba Institute
Metalworking Course in  Saba Institute

Saba Cultural Institute in Tehran, affiliated to the Iranian Academy of Arts (one of the cultural bodies under the presidential office), is to set up a metalworking workshop.
Starting from April 25, the workshop will cover toreutics and metalworking arts such as hammering, engraving, embossing, repousse and chasing.
It is an introductory course to be conducted in 18 four-hour sessions last of which will be held on September 21, according to the website of the academy,
Mohammad Sahranavard, a master of the craft, will conduct the workshop. Last year, he authored and released ‘Guidebook in Engraving and Metalwork’ published by the Academy of Arts. 


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