Art And Culture

Farzin’s New Album Out

Farzin’s New Album Out
Farzin’s New Album Out

Celebrated pop singer, songwriter and actor Farzad Farzin has released his new album ‘Champs Elysees.’
Issued by Avaye-Doran Institute of Art and Culture, Champs Elysees includes 13 tracks composed by Farzin and a number of musicians, including Iranian-Swedish singer, songwriter and producer Arash Adl-Parvar, composer and arranger Alireza Afshar and songwriter, producer and arranger Mehdi Ebrahiminejad.
Champs Elysees is also available online at The tracks are named Flight, Promise Me, Your Laughter, One Favor, North, My Heart, Where Shall I Look for You and Champs Elysees among others, reported.


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