Art And Culture

Pan Flutist Leo Rojas to Perform in Norouz

Leo Rojas
Leo Rojas

Ecuadorian pan flutist Juan Leonardo Santillia Rojas, known as Leo Rojas, is to travel to Iran in Norouz (the Iranian New Year) to have his first concert in the country. 
Accompanied by his band and German tenor Silvio d'Anza as special guest, he will hold two performances at the Convention Hall of Milad Tower in Tehran. The concerts are slated for Feb. 26-27.
According to where tickets are available, the concert titled 'Son of the Sun', named after one of Rojas' hit songs, is organized by the Tehran-based Rangin Kaman Honar Javan Institute of Culture and Arts.
Rojas, 33, is best known for winning the 2011 season of the German casting show 'Das Supertalent'. Rojas moved to Spain in 2000 and then to Germany. Living in Berlin with his Polish wife, he often performed as a street musician until a passer-by informed him about the casting show, wrote. 


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