Art And Culture

Dowlatabadi Will Read Story to Help Earthquake Victims

Dowlatabadi Will Read Story to Help Earthquake Victims
Dowlatabadi Will Read Story to Help Earthquake Victims

 Celebrated writer Mahmoud Dowlatabadi will read one of the stories from his latest short story collection to be sold in audio format. The proceeds of the sales will go for the quake stricken victims of Kermanshah Province.

The western province of Kermanshah and the regions bordering Iraq were jolted by a 7.3 quake last November. The killer quake claimed over 500 lives, wounded thousands and displaced thousands of others.

The selected story ‘Another Night’ is from his book ‘Mankind’ published in 2016. The story will be made available in audio format for buyers through the audio book app  Vavkhan.

According to ISNA, production of the audio book is being carried out in collaboration with Reesheha Charity Foundation and Vavkhan Application.

Reesheha is a non-governmental and non-profit organization in Tehran dedicated to helping children with cancer, specific diseases and child labor.

Dowlatabadi, 76, is a master in combining rural speech with lyrical features of Persian poetry. He is particularly gifted in portraying social and ethical problems of the poor, especially in the rural areas where he grew up.

His most famous novels are ‘Kelidar’, ‘Missing Soluch’ and ‘The Colonel’ and have been translated into Norwegian, German, English, Italian, and French languages for western readers.

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