A theatrical adaptation of the novel ‘Oscar and the Lady in Pink’ by Franco-Belgian playwright, short story writer and novelist Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt is on stage at Paliz Theater House in Tehran. The piece is about Oscar who has been sleeping for an unusually long time on a hospital bed. In his dream he meets a female nurse and with her travels to the world of myths.
Written and directed by Mohammadreza Sattari, the adaptation is titled ‘I Am Oscar’ and has Saghar Azizi, Abbas Khodaverdian, Mohammad Siahpoush, Ayda Jafari, Omid Rezaei, Hamed Nezami, Sepideh Ali Mohammadi and Nadia Sharifzadeh in the cast, Tiwall reported.
The theater is at No. 32, Sepand St., Azodi St on Karimkhan Avenue.
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