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Art And Culture

Taking Inspiration From Hamilton’s Play

Painter and caricaturist Shiva Zamanfar has held a solo exhibit ‘Gas Light’ at Jaleh Art Gallery.

The show features 10 paintings and one installation art. The paintings are all black-and-white and look so realistic that they can be mistaken for photos.

In an interview with ISNA, Zamanfar says the title of the exhibit is derived from a namesake play written in 1938 by British dramatist Patrick Hamilton (1904-1962). The play gave rise to the term ‘gaslighting’ referring to a form of psychological abuse in which false information is presented to make someone doubt his or her own memory and perceptions.

In the play, a husband is intent on convincing his wife that she is going insane. He goes to the extent of assuring her that she is imagining that the gas light in the house is dimming.

With personal experience of gaslighting, Zamanfar is presenting her take on the phenomena through her paintings. There also are paintings criticizing violence against women.

Jaleh Art Gallery is located at No. 3, Noshahr Alley, Iranshahr Street, Karim Khan Avenue.