Sean Penn, the celebrated American actor, will release his debut novel next year, a darkly humorous tale titled ‘Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff’.
Atria Publishing Group, a division of Simon & Schuster in New York, will publish the book in March 2018. The novel is based on an audio book Penn released last year under the pseudonym Pappy Pariah, Los Angeles Times wrote.
At the time Penn denied he was the author and claimed it was written by Pappy Pariah, a man he had met at a bar.
According to a press release from Atria, the novel tells the picaresque story of Bob Honey, a middle-aged, divorced, disillusioned man living in a nondescript house on a nondescript street in Woodview, California.
The titular Honey works as a sewage specialist, but also as a “contract killer for a mysterious government agency that pays in small bills,” Atria said.
Penn won Academy Awards for his roles in the films ‘Mystic River’ and ‘Milk’.