The short animated film ‘Orangish Tree’ directed by Amir Houshang Moein won the first award at the 11th Istanbul International Architecture and Urban Film Festival, October 23-28. It is a 2D digital animation telling the story of a girl living inside an orange. Finding the orange tree close to death, she decides to go to the city beyond the clouds to save it, Roozrang website reported. To give poetic features to the space of the animation, fictional techniques such as surrealism and stream of unconsciousness are used. The latter is a narrative mode that portrays an individual’s point of view by transcribing the author’s unconscious dialogue or somniloquy during sleep, in connection to his or her actions within a dream. ‘Switchman’, directed by Mehdi Khoramian, and ‘Orange Tree’ both produced by the Documentary and Experimental Film Center of Iran were in the final competition list but ‘Switchman’ was not awarded. Khoramian’s short animation centers on an old switchman at a train station waiting for a woman who he finally realizes was only his imagination. Earlier this year it won the Signor Rossi Award at Cartoon Club Rimini in Italy.