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Art And Culture

Nostalgic Songs

Nousheh music band is returning on stage after four years. They will be hosted by Vahdat Hall on September 2, Honaronline reported.  Led by kamancheh player Niusha Barimani, band members are Minou Qasempour on qanun, percussionist Ali Reza Miraqa, bass guitarist Keyvan Farshidnia, pianist Ghazal Mahdavi, flutist Niloufar Ebrahimi, Asal Malekzadeh on daf, Mehrnaz Dabirzadeh on tonbak and drummer Saman Beheshti.  TV presenter, actor, voice actor and vocalist Ehsan Karami will join Nousheh to sing a number of nostalgic songs.  Guitarist Reza Lam’ani has rearranged the songs to create a fresh feeling at the concert.  Vahdat Hall is located on Shahryar Blvd, Hafez Street, south of Enqelab Avenue.