Art And Culture

Gilan in Japanese ‘Sume-e’ Style

Gilan in Japanese ‘Sume-e’ Style
Gilan in Japanese ‘Sume-e’ Style

A solo painting exhibition titled ‘Gilan in the eyes of Chiba Miyamoto,’ by the Japanese artist will open on March 3 in Anzali Free Zone of Gilan.

Koucheh-Bagh Art Gallery in Gourabjir Sahra village on Rasht-Anzali Road, will showcase a number of paintings created in a style known in Japan as ‘sumi-e,’ an ink wash painting, also referred to as literati painting, ISNA reported.

Japanese painter Chiba Miyamoto has portrayed Gilan’s nature in a series of scenic paintings. Earlier in 2011, she had held a painting exhibition ‘The World of Chiba in Gilan’ at Tehran’s 7-Samar Gallery, in cooperation with the Japanese Embassy.

The upcoming exhibit will receive visitors all days from 4-8 pm till March 10. The gallery is located at No. 74, Sayyar Alley.


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