Art And Culture

‘Mirza Reza’s Gun’ Back on Stage at Molavi Theater

‘Mirza Reza’s Gun’ Back  on Stage at Molavi Theater
‘Mirza Reza’s Gun’ Back  on Stage at Molavi Theater

‘Mirza Reza’s Gun,’ a play in the genre of magical realism, started its second run after the conclusion of the 35th Fajr International Theater Festival (January 20-31) in Tehran and seven other provincial centers.

The play actually has a long title ‘Mirza Reza’s Gun Is on the Wall and Will Shoot in the 3rd Act,’ referring to the old, rusty revolver Mirza Reza used on May 1, 1896 to kill the king at the time Nasser-al-Din Shah of the Qajar Dynasty, according to Azad News Agency (ANA).

After killing him, the revolutionary escapes, but Nasser-al-Din’s successor Mozaffar-al-Din Shah sends troops to find him and avenge his father’s death. Mirza Reza was captured at the Ottoman border. After months of interrogation he was executed on August 10, 1896. 

According to the introduction of the play, “Mirza Reza returns after years of seeing oppression to avenge the injustice made to him” and his fellow countrymen. He had been imprisoned. His wife divorces him, and his son was made a servant. “He is not sure if the gun he has bought will shoot or not.”

The play was staged earlier at Molavi Theater Complex in early January, and resumed its second showing on January 31, after the conclusion of the Fajr theater event. It will remain on stage until February 10.

The 45-minute play is written by Iranian poet, screenwriter, novelist and playwright Mohammad Tolouee, 38. The play goes on to depict Mirza’s life in detention and torture. He eventually faces a jinni (genie) who claims to have induced in him the idea of the assassination.

Theater director Mohammad Ashkanfar has designed and directed the play. In an interview with ISNA, he said: “Our favorite theater is the one attributed to history, dealing honestly with social concerns and dissecting psychological conflicts with imaginative elements and aesthetic values.” 

It is on stage at the main auditorium of Molavi Theater Complex, located at No. 16, 16-Azar Street, Enqelab Avenue.

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