Art And Culture

Well-Known Artists at IAF Exhibit

Well-Known Artists at IAF Exhibit
Well-Known Artists at IAF Exhibit

A group of contemporary artists in visual arts have set up an exhibition of paintings, drawings and photographs at Iranian Artists Forum (IAF) in Tehran.

The exhibit ‘Full Color’ by a number of celebrated visual artists opened on December 22 and features a total of 76 paintings, drawings and photographs. It will run through January 2, 2017, says the website of the Iranian Illustrators Society,

The exhibition showcases works by several acclaimed artists including painter, graphic designer, writer and critic Aydin Aghdashlou, 76, cartoonist and caricaturist Kambiz Derambakhsh, 74, illustrator Maneli Manouchehri, 42, as well as painters Nima Petgar (1946-2015), Mohammad Ali Taraqijah, 73, Bahram Dabiri, 66, and Elimra Mirmiran, 32.

An introduction to the exhibit says, “Art sometimes looks at the empty space of things no more; it sometimes suggests building life as we desire, not the way it is. Art serves as a reminder, and this time, what we bring to attention is hope, a means of perseverance and filled with brightness, making today and tomorrow full of color.”

The IAF is located at Art Garden, North Mousavi Street, Taleqani Avenue.

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