Art And Culture

60% of US Newspaper Jobs Vanish in 26 Years

60% of US Newspaper Jobs Vanish in 26 Years
60% of US Newspaper Jobs Vanish in 26 Years

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has issued data for media employment trends over the 26-year period from 1990 onwards. In other words, from the dawn of the internet age to date.

The stand-out figure is the one showing the steep decline in newspaper jobs, down from nearly 458,000 in 1990 to about 183,000 in March 2016, a fall of almost 60%.

Over the same period, employment in internet publishing and online broadcasting rose from about 30,000 to nearly 198,000. Internet-related work has enjoyed a noticeably rapid rise since 2008, when the job total was 80,000.

It has risen above newspaper employment and is heading towards the 240,000 total of people employed in film and video production (where jobs have increased by 162% over a quarter of a century), the reported.

Other traditional publishing industries, such as books and magazines, have also shed jobs, but only gradually and far less dramatically that in newspapers.

According to the bureau, another US media industry affected by the digital age is radio broadcasting, where employment has declined by a relatively modest 27% since 1990.

The decline in UK newspaper jobs is roughly of the same order as in the US.

But newspaper romantics still denying reality, the collapse of newsprint, should note that there is no sign of a plateau. The steep decline over the 2007-09 period has abated only slightly over the six years since, and the trend remains inexorably downward.