Art And Culture

Isfahan - Freiburg MOU

Isfahan - Freiburg MOU
Isfahan - Freiburg MOU

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between University of Freiburg in Germany and Isfahan Art University facilitating exchange of students and holding art exhibitions, Jalil Jokar, a faculty member of Isfahan Art University, said earlier last week.

The MOU seeks to improve the quality of art education and courses on Persian and German languages for students and university staff on both sides. Such tradition is common among academic communities all around the world, he said quoted by honaronline.

The first art group from Isfahan University traveled to Germany this summer. The group visited galleries and art societies and delivered speeches in Freiburg University, Jokar said.

A collection of art works from Shiraz Art University students were exhibited in Freiburg which was warmly welcomed by the visitors.

To learn German language, a group of professors along with students left for Germany on September 6. The Isfahan-Freiburg partnership association is covering their travel and accommodation expenses.

A group from the University of Freiburg would also travel to Iran. An exhibition of German students’ art works would be held in Isfahan as well.

Isfahan and Freiburg officials signed a contract of partnership on October 21, 2000 in the City Hall of Freiburg. The Isfahan-Freiburg partnership is the first of its kind between an Iranian and a German city.