Art And Culture

Japanese Student Builds Unique Wooden Clock

Japanese Student Builds  Unique Wooden Clock
Japanese Student Builds  Unique Wooden Clock

A Japanese student has built a mesmerizing hand carved wooden clock that writes the time every minute on a magnetic drawing board.

Tohoku University of Art and Design student, 22-year-old Kango Suzuki has created the clock as his final graduation project.

It took Suzuki six months to build the wooden clock. The clock is composed of more than 407 wooden pieces which move automatically. The project is called ‘Plock’, reported repoted.

The clock has four magnetic stylus pens that automatically write the time on the board every minute in 24-hour format. Each time the previous time is erased and the new one is added.

This homemade clock keeps the accurate time and it is entirely mechanical and does not need electricity.

The process while building the clock was not a very easy one. It took a toll on Suzuki’s hand. At one time Kango tweeted that he could no longer get a finger print recognition.

His hands were damaged to such an extent that his smart phone did not recognize his fingerprints. The pieces and the way they are fitted together make it apparent that it is not an easy task and Suzuki has really worked hard to complete it.