Art And Culture

Solace Paintings Inspired by Australian Aboriginal Art

Solace Paintings Inspired by Australian Aboriginal Art
Solace Paintings Inspired by Australian Aboriginal Art

A painting exhibition by artist Iman Habibi titled ‘Inversion’ is underway at Tehran’s Kargah-e-Honar art gallery.

The series includes a selection of 30 paintings from a 50-item collection that took about two years to complete, Honaronline reported.

Inspired by Australian aboriginal art, also known as indigenous art, the paintings are created with a special kind of pen, “which I had to make, because such instruments are not available in Iran,” said the artist.

Aboriginal art is a style of the indigenous people of Australia and includes works in a wide range of mediums including painting on leaves and ceremonial clothing, woodcarving, rock carving, sculpting, and sand painting.

Habibi has used dot painting, similar to pointillism, a special sub-branch of the style, with a sharp pointer that creates fine dots. To create superimposed dotting, artists often use a bunch of satay sticks, dip the pointed ends into paint and then transfer it onto the canvas in a quick succession of dotting.

In the collection, which is his first, Habibi has illustrated Arabesque decorative motifs with tiny dots. “I have tried to convey solace and serenity through the works that include relaxing colors,” he said.

The paintings do not thematize anything special, but the repetitive forms in circle-based frameworks, which are the main characteristic of the items, could be considered as a subject by itself, the artist added.

Also experienced in sculpting, he said “the depth manifested in the paintings is influenced by the art of sculpture.”

The exhibition will run through February 23 at No. 2, Taheri St., South Eslami St., Akhavan Ave, Pasdaran.