Art And Culture

IPS Art Sale at IAF

IPS Art Sale at IAF
IPS Art Sale at IAF

Iran Painters’ Society (IPS) has launched a 10-day sale of artworks from February 5 to 16 at Iranian Artists Forum’s Momayez Gallery.

On offer are artworks by members of the IPS and other artists, the Persian art magazine Tandis reported.

Among the submitted works, 343 visual art items from 210 artists have been selected for the sale by the jury which includes veteran painters Yaqoub Emdadian, Daryoush Hosseini and Rozita Sharaf-Jahan. A total of 500 paintings, including that of IPS artists, will go up on the gallery walls for display.

The highest estimated artwork is tagged at $1,370, said Babak Etminani, veteran contemporary painter and advisor to the jury.

“The prices of the paintings are 30% discounted; the artists normally sell their works in private galleries at a price that is higher than the prices fixed at this sale,” he said, emphasizing the high value of the artworks.

As most of the paintings are by the members of the IPS, so the discount in the annual sale helps the artists sell their works easier; moreover, the society offers the paintings at a lower price to facilitate purchases by the public, while private galleries may not adopt such a practice.

Kambiz Derambakhsh, Reza Bangiz, Behzad Shishegaran, Hamid Pazouki, Rezvan Sadeqzadeh, Nima Potgar, Mina Qaziani, Asadollah Kiani, Homayoun Salimi, Rana Farnoud and Niloufar Qaderinejad are among the artists whose works are on sale.

“Works by the late Iranian artist Hannibal Alkhas are also on sale after reaching an agreement with an art collector who had some of the well-known painter’s works,” said Etminani.

The art sale was first launched in 2013 by the IPS, when 1,100 paintings were sold for  $83,000.

Enthusiasts can visit the gallery at the IAF located at south side of Honar Garden, North Mousavi St., Taleghani Ave.