The first International Music Festival ‘Muhammad, the Prophet of Kindness’ opened on Friday (Dec. 25) at five cultural centers across Tehran.
Organizers welcomed the participant music groups from eight Muslim countries as well as local bands from eight regions of Iran, in a ceremony held at Ferdowsi International Grand Hotel in Tehran.
Later the groups went to the different venues for their public performances, which were warmly welcomed by the pubic who were keen to listen to the various types of music played, including traditional, folklore, qawwali and mughami.
On the sidelines, director of international affairs of the festival Ehsan Mohammadi, pointed to the significance of the event. “These days, the world suffers from terrorism, extremism and violence more than at any other time. Unfortunately extremist groups are misrepresenting Islam and promoting fear and violence in the name of the religion in different parts of the world,” he told the Financial Tribune.
“In this situation, there is an important and crucial mission for the Islamic community to present and promote the true face of Islam and its message of peace, friendship, kindness and respect,” Mohammadi added.
In his opinion, one of the best means to convey the message of Islam is through art and culture. “In this regard, the Art and Cultural Organization of the Tehran Municipality has organized the event which seeks to enhance the level of cooperation among Muslim artists and to build new bridges of friendship and kindness, respect and understanding among Muslims and followers of other divine religions across the globe,” he noted.
He believes that art, as a global and common language, is an important form of dialogue and the strongest and the most reliable bridge among nations. “The diplomacy of art is a significant path to send the true message of Islam to the world,” he said.
The festival concludes on December 28 at the Bahman Cultural Center in Tehran.