An Iranian theatre company ‘Zendegi’ (life) is organizing international theatre workshops in collaboration with the German ‘Newpaltz’ School of Fine and Performing Arts and French ‘Le Kiosque’ Theatre Company in Tehran and Isfahan provinces.
The workshops will be directed by Jafar Mahyari, head of ‘Zendegi’ in collaboration with Bazigah Theatre group and Isfahan Theatre Club. Several German and French theatre professionals are participating, Honaronline reported.
They aim to help augment the knowledge of performing arts, present motional and gestural skills and make actors more familiar with international modern performing methods.
‘Motion in Theatre’ in the style of Pina Bausch (1940 –2009), a visionary choreographer born in Germany, by Newpaltz is slated for November 9, 10 and 11.
Directed by Le Kiosque, ‘Performance Harmony’ workshops will be held on November 16, 17 and 18, Mahyari said.
Two shows will be staged, including ‘Mit den Steinen,’ by German theatre director Alexander Schwarz, and ‘Passing Tales’ by a French director at Bazigah Hall.
To create “a connection between the performers and the viewers,” the hall is required to be small and “Bazigah meets the requirement,” Mahyari said.
Both the German and French theatre companies have over 30 years of professional experience in performing arts, drama and interactive performance, he said, adding that the two plays are often staged internationally.
Founded in 1998, ‘Zendegi’ has held numerous international theatre workshops, and collaborated with performing art companies and experts from Canada, Croatia and Belgium.