Art And Culture

TV Director to Open Art Gallery

TV Director to Open Art Gallery
TV Director to Open Art Gallery

Veteran TV director, presenter and film producer Bijan Birang will soon open his own art gallery.

The idea had occurred to him long ago when he was presenting the TV show ‘Life Again.’ He carried out studies on visual art and now is ready to open his own art gallery with a painting and sculpture exhibition, Honaronline reported.

He said managing a gallery “is an easy task,” and added that everyone can have a share in developing art in the country.” Every gallery contributes to the development of art in a unique way.

Managing a gallery is similar to making films.

“It is the audience who make a film popular. So, people should be attracted to visit and buy works of art to oil the wheels of the domestic art sector. If not, artists and art lovers will be demoralized and this is harmful for both galleries and artists.”

Cooperation instead of competition among gallery managers is one of the solutions to prevent art from stagnation. “The existing galleries do not have enough potential to host several exhibitions simultaneously,” Birang said, adding: “However, curators can cooperate and hold art shows on the same themes in one gallery.”

Such a strategy could help art make huge progress.

“Fortunately, Iran has been positively introduced to the global art market, especially in visual art. There will be no art if works are not sold,” he noted.

Accurate assessment of the art market and identifying customers’ demands is necessary. “Presenting valuable works of art, identifying young talent and respecting veteran artists will be among the policies of the Birang Art Gallery,” he noted.

Birang, 66, has studied drama in the University of Dramatic Arts in Tehran. He also has a master’s degree in educational technology in the University of South California.

He has directed movies ‘Iranian Supper’ (2011) and ‘Cinderella’ (2001), and has authored many movie scripts, including ‘Like Cypress’ (2010) and ‘Mother’ (2009).