Art And Culture

Young Artists in Chekhov, Lorca Plays

Young Artists in Chekhov, Lorca Plays
Young Artists in Chekhov, Lorca Plays

Two plays by veteran theater artist, actor, director and voice actor Mikaeel Shahrestani, are underway at Tehran’s Drama Hall.

For ‘The House of Bernarda Alba’ by Spanish dramatist Federico Garcia Lorca and ‘Uncle Vanya’ by Russian playwright Anton Chekhov, Shahrestani has cast young performers, ILNA reports.

“Both stories are modern and realistic. Although Chekhov’s work is tough, I managed and over 40 young talented performers are cast for the two shows,” Shahrestani said.

Lorca wrote the play (his last one) in 1936, two months before her death during the Spanish Civil War. The play explores themes of repression, passion and conformity, and inspects outdated decrees and traditions in modern society.

‘Uncle Vanya’ was first published in 1897. It unravels in a family headed by aging Prof. Serebryakov. A once celebrated academic whose career and health are in decline, he owns the struggling country estate that belonged to his late wife. Serebryakov’s daughter Sonya and former brother-in-law now run the property. He returns home with his young second wife Yelena. The play portrays ruinous human ambitions and social ignobility.

The plays will run through September 22 at Drama Hall, No.2, Zohal Alley, Labafinejad Ave., Enghelab Ave.

Shahrestani, 53, graduated from Acting School for Film and Television and started working on stage in 1982 with his role in ‘Red Song of Brotherhood’. He has also acted in ‘Accidental Death of an Anarchist’ (2013), ‘The Condemned of Altona’ (2006), ‘Memoirs of the Actor in a Supporting Role’ (2002) and more.

His latest play ‘Seven Acts’, based on the works of the late noted playwright Akbar Radi, was staged in 2014 and was well-received. He has acted, directed and designed stage in several theatre performances, TV shows and movies. He currently teaches the performing arts.