Theatre show ‘Humans Farm’ written and directed by Ali Shams, is on stage at Sayeh Hall of City Theatre Complex.
The fight against extremism and fanaticism is the message of the show, a co-production of the Iranian Center for Performing Arts and the Theatre Company Italian Room One, Shams told reporters earlier at a press conference.
The play was staged at the 33rd Fajr International Theater Festival in Tehran, and in Rome on March 27-29 at the Theatre of Piazza San Giovanni, Honaronline reported.
It was, “a rather tough work,” Shams said.
The show is set in the occupied Syrian town of Raqqa, capital of the Islamic State, where as Shams said, “All the elements of the classic story of struggle between good and evil, are concentrated.”
Italian actors Piero Cardano and Claudio Cotugno, and Iranian-Italian Parisa Nassari are in the cast. The performance is in Italian.
Shams used scale models to show different locations and soldiers, placing them on a revolving table to represent the world. The characters narrate their stories using the models.
“Acting a war scene is like playing chess,” to make the right moves, said Cardano.
Shams seeks to highlight the catastrophic consequences of war and the massacre of the people through the show, which runs till September 11.