Art And Culture

‘Nothingness’ on Canvas

‘Nothingness’ on Canvas
‘Nothingness’ on Canvas

A group paintings exhibition, ‘Nothingness’, curated by Leila Moazzami is underway at Anahita Art Gallery in Tehran.

Over 30 artworks on the theme ‘death’, from 15 professional and amateur artists are on display. Artists have portrayed the theme through various styles and different medium and techniques, such as oil and acrylic paint and even ink, Honaronline reports.

While a better part of the exhibition is on paintings, there are works of other media such as photomontage and short film and installation art on display.

“A mysterious and indescribable concept, the theme may appear limited, but it has a vast perspective, and some artists even go beyond the materialistic view of death in their art,” said Moazzami.

The collection includes works from artists Marjan Andaroodi, Ali Ansari, Mohsen Hoseinmardi, Hilda Kheirabadi, Elham Shiravi, Neda Samadi, Najva Erfani, Esmaeel Qanbari, Mahsa Mohammadi, Ehsan Mirhoseini among others. Moazzami, 37, holds a master’s degree in architecture. She has been painting for over 15 years and her works have been featured at Ehsan, Rozh, Sayeh and Panjereh art galleries.

The exhibition will run through September 4.