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Art And Culture

Traditional Cinema Houses Make Way for Cineplexes

Five major cineplexes in the country contributed to over 50% of the total sales of movies in the past Iranian year (ended March 20), according to official statistics.

Comprising several halls, modern multiplex cinemas have created an excellent opportunity for filmgoers with a wide choice. The several halls built within a complex provide fans with movies of different genres; this way every individual can choose a film based on personal interest.

Cinema halls in the cineplexes are equipped with the latest digital technologies and so the high quality of image resolution and Dolby Surround sound system make watching their favorite actors on the big screen more enjoyable for the audiences.

Besides the quality and the many options cineplexes give the filmgoers on selecting a movie of their choice, they offer another advantage for families. As their name suggests, they are more than just places to screen films; complexes usually include restaurants, coffee shops, cyber cafes, malls, galleries and even indoor playgrounds, gyms and art classes.

Through the variety of cultural activities the complexes provide, families can spend a good time together on a holiday or after a busy day’s work. What distinguishes these new cultural hubs from the traditional single-purpose movie theaters, which still form the majority of cinema halls in the country, is the significance they attach to people’s time and taste.

Going to movies is among the healthy recreations for both individuals and families. When people decide to go to the cinema, they have to set aside a good part of time for this leisure activity considering the heavy traffic jams in a megapolis such as Tehran. If the choice is a traditional cinema, it is possible that the tickets have been sold out or the show has already started and it is at least an hour before the next one starts.


The multiplexes have solved the problems of single cinemas by offering different options to the audience. Films of various genres, from comedies and dramas to action and war movies, can satisfy all tastes; in case the tickets for one film is sold out, there are others to choose from; and if one does not like to watch a movie, there are other forms of entertainment to kill time.

While blockbusters sell well at every venue, the cineplexes have also helped the overall earnings of low-budget films and productions. When tickets of a box office hit are sold out, people in the queue rather than going back home disappointed, select another movie, perhaps not as good; and in the process contribute to the other film’s  growth, which otherwise wouldn’t happen.

The multifunctional nature of the complexes helps boost their business. When a family of five visits, it is not compulsory for all of them to unanimously watch a film since there is something entertaining for everybody. Parents can see a drama in one hall and older children can watch a comedy in another. There is a play ground for toddlers too with complete care!

Currently, there are nine cinema complexes in Tehran and one in Mashhad. Given the high sales of movies in just five of them, a contribution that is more than half of the annual earnings of Iran cinema, it can be concluded that by constructing more cineplexes, more people will swarm to cinema halls to watch mostly local productions. If implemented properly, this will help improve the cinema industry in the country which has been has been visibly struggling in the past decade.