Art And Culture

Mugham Music Fest Will Boost Kerman Heritage

Mugham Music Fest  Will Boost Kerman Heritage
Mugham Music Fest  Will Boost Kerman Heritage

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) on holding the Mugham Music National Festival of Kerman Province was signed by Ali Jannati, minister of culture and Islamic guidance and Kerman governor general, Razm Hosseini.

At the Kerman Day celebrations on the sidelines of the 28th Tehran International Book Fair, local music concerts were planned to promote cultural and artistic fields in Kerman. “We have plans to develop Mugham music and consider this occasion a golden opportunity,” said Hosseini.

As per the MoU signed on May 15, more than 153 Mughan music concerts will be held nationally and 6 theatres in different cities in Kerman Province will be built.

Mugham also known as ‘Mugam’ is one of the many folk musical compositions. It is a highly complex art form that combines classical poetry and musical improvisation in specific local modes. Mugham is a modal system. Unlike western modes, Mugham modes are associated not only with scales but with an orally transmitted collection of melodies and melodic fragments that performers use in the course of improvisation.

Jannati hailed local scholars and said: “Kerman has high literary potentials and is capable of promoting cultural and artistic fields in not only Iran but other regions of the world.” He hoped efforts would be made to promote cultural activities in Kerman “to create a joyful ambience.”

He stressed the need for using “our rich sources of art and ancient culture” to liven up the social atmosphere. “We don’t want people to be depressed,” he said.

  Book Culture

Hosseini, pointing to the remarkable achievements of Kerman in literature and culture, stressed on book reading as an important criterion in development. “We should try our best to achieve high cultural standards. It appears we have neglected to make the new generation familiar with outstanding Persian figures in literature such as Hafez, Saadi and other renowned poets.”

On the TIBF he said, “Many promising measures taken have revived the cultural atmosphere in the province.” Today, thanks to the support of the government and authorities, Kerman is among the top in literary activities.

Kerman is among several cities in Iran with a strong cultural heritage, expressed in local accent, poetry, music, handicrafts and customs, which have been introduced globally.