Art And Culture

Artworks Reflecting ‘Women’s Emotions’

Artworks Reflecting ‘Women’s Emotions’
Artworks Reflecting ‘Women’s Emotions’

Seyhoun Art Gallery recently hosted a series of artworks by Fatemeh Abbaszadeh titled ‘No Women’s Eyes Should be Overlooked’ with 21 items created by mixed-media - which in visual art, refers to an artwork in the making of which more than one medium has been employed - and painting on broken tiles.

Pointing to one of her works, Abbaszadeh said: “The whole idea of the collection came from its title. It started to emerge in the item made of match boxes, showing women kept behind windows and looking at the outside world. They are women whom we face in the workplace or family.” The ceramic pieces which portray women’s eyes reflect their “tough situations and heartbreaking memories,” she said, Honaronline reported.

Different materials were used to create the items. Ordinary materials or tools such as used tea bags, match boxes and chocolate foils comprised the medium of her artworks.

Abbaszadeh conveys through her works the “objectification of women.”  People can hide their sadness or evil nature, but in the end their eyes reveal the truth, “especially woman’s eyes.”

In her note on the collection she says: “Eyes are not as simple as we see them, they reflect our perceptions. We assign values to them, in other words, eyes express emotions.”

Seyhoun Art Gallery, indeed the most long-lived art gallery in Iran, has presented and promoted virtually all leading figures in contemporary Iranian Art and successfully pursued its fundamental objectives, holding more than 1200 painting, sculpture, photography and graphic art exhibitions as well as touching on other present-day international trends, such as installation, conceptual, video and digital art.  This was Abbaszadeh’s first solo at the gallery. Born in 1993, she graduated at Alzahra University in Graphic art.