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Zarif Due in Kuwait Before Scandinavia Tour

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is to leave Tehran for Kuwait on Saturday, the Foreign Ministry’s spokesman announced. 

“During the one-day trip, the foreign minister will meet his Kuwaiti counterpart and other top officials to discuss bilateral issues and regional developments,” Abbas Mousavi told IRNA on Friday.

Zarif is also expected to visit Finland on Monday, according to Finland Today.

He will have meetings with President Sauli Niinisto and Finnish ministers, including Ville Skinnari, minister for development cooperation and foreign trade, and Pekka Haavisto, minister for foreign affairs, who will host Zarif in Finland.

Discussion topics in the meetings will include bilateral relations, international and regional issues, topics related to human rights and Finland’s presidency of the Council of the European Union.

“I am looking forward to the discussion with Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif. Tensions in the Persian Gulf have an impact on the entire world. The importance of maintaining a dialogue is emphasized in this situation,” Haavisto said in a statement.

Zarif will continue his trip from Finland to Sweden and Norway.