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Iran to Develop New Gas Field in Northeast

Development of Tous gas field in northeastern Khorasan Razavi Province will help lift the regional economy and help stabilize energy supply to the northern and eastern areas, said Ramin Hatami, managing director of Iran Central Oil Fields Company.

The ICOFC and Petropars Company, a subsidiary of the National Iranian Oil Company, signed a memorandum of understanding to develop the field, ILNA reported.

The field is 100 kilometers northeast of Mashhad. Discovered 10 years ago, gas production from the field has yet to commence. So far, an exploratory well has been dug in the field.

It is estimated that the field has in-place gas reserve of 60 billion cubic meters and can produce three to five million cubic meters of natural gas per day.

The development project also includes assessment of Kashfrud and Shourijeh formations. “Given the capabilities and performance of Petropars, the project is expected to be completed within three months,” Hatami said.

Petropars was founded in 1998 to contribute to the development of Iran’s vast energy resources. It is now one of the country's leading contractors of upstream oil and gas projects.

Hatami referred to Khangiran gas field as “a strategic field” in Khorasan Razavi Province. Sour gas from the field is used to meet demand in the northeast province.

Khangiran gas field is 180 kilometers northeast of Mashhad. It comprises three reserves, namely  Mozdouran, Shourijeh B and Shourijeh D. Its total proven reserves is estimated at 480 billion cubic meters and data show the field's extraction now is 48 mcm/d.

Storage facilities in Khangiran have been operating to provide north and northeast with natural gas. Major part of the gas is fed into power plants, petrochemical factories and used for household consumption.