European members of the UN Security Council reaffirmed their commitment and support for the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers despite US pressures.
“We, as the European Union members of the council, would like to underline our commitment and continued support to the full and effective implementation of JCPOA and Resolution 2231,” the group said in a Wednesday statement, referring to the deal by its official title, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Xinhua reported.
“It has been confirmed that Iran continues to implement its nuclear-related commitments. JCPOA has significantly rolled back Iran’s nuclear program and ensures it does not develop a nuclear weapon. This is key for European security.”
Tehran says its nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful applications and has no military dimensions.
“As long as Iran continues to implement its commitments in full, the EU will remain fully committed to the continued implementation of the agreement,” said the statement, endorsed by Britain, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and Poland—the current EU members on the Security Council—as well as Belgium, Germany and Italy.
Belgium and Germany will become council members next year. Italy split a two-year council term with the Netherlands.
The statement regretted Washington’s withdrawal from the July 2015 deal between Iran and six world powers, namely Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States, and the reimposition of US sanctions against Iran, which have brought about considerable challenges to the nuclear deal.
“It is essential that JCPOA continues to work for all participants, including by delivering economic benefits to the people of Iran,” added the statement read by Dutch Ambassador to the United Nations Karel van Oosterom.
“In this context, in line with Resolution 2231 [which enshrines the nuclear deal], efforts led by France, Germany and the United Kingdom are actively contributing to the international efforts to preserve trade and financial channels in Iran.”
Missile Concerns
The statement also raised concerns about the findings of UN secretary-general regarding Iran’s “ballistic missile-related activities".
“Though separate from the JCPOA, we call on Iran to refrain from such activities, which deepen mistrust and increase regional tensions and are in nonconformity with Resolution 2231. We call on Iran to address these issues in dialogue with relevant actors,” the statement said.
“We support a comprehensive approach with Iran, based on the pursuit of robust dialogue and, as necessary, targeted pressure, with a view to addressing all concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear, missile and regional activities.”
Resolution 2231 calls upon Iran “not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons”.
Iranian officials have time and again underscored that none of the country’s missiles has been designed to carry nuclear warheads, because nuclear weapons have basically no place in Iran’s defense doctrine.
The statement further said the nuclear deal is an example of effective multilateralism and a key element of the non-proliferation regime.
“It is working and delivering on its intended goal.”
The EU members called on the entire international community to continue implementing the Iran nuclear deal and Resolution 2231.
Under the nuclear accord, Iran agreed to limit its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of anti-Tehran sanctions.
Unlawful Conduct
Speaking at the meeting, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo alleged that Iran’s “ballistic missile activity has grown since the nuclear deal”, claiming that “Iran has exploited the goodwill of nations and defied multiple Security Council resolutions in its quest for a robust ballistic missile force”.
Pompeo called on UNSC to “thwart Iran’s continuing efforts to circumvent the existing arms restrictions”, adding that the nuclear deal has “shielded the Islamic Republic of Iran from accountability to the risks it presents to the world”.
In response, Es’haq Al-e-Habib, Iran’s deputy ambassador to the UN, described the US withdrawal from the agreement and the subsequent reimposition of sanctions as “unlawful conduct” and a “clear violation” of the resolution endorsing the deal.
He said the Security Council should “strongly condemn the US for reimposing its illegal sanctions against Iranians in violation of the UN Charter and international law”.