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UK Envoy Condemns Attack on Iran Consulate in Basra

The British envoy in Baghdad condemned the attack on Iran's diplomatic mission in the Iraqi city of Basra.

“Like all diplomats I naturally react with condemnation to any violence directed against diplomatic missions, as we have witnessed in Basra and Baghdad in recent days,” UK Ambassador in Baghdad Jonathan Wilks said in a statement published on the embassy Facebook page.

Violent protesters on Friday torched the Iranian consulate in the southeastern city of Basra. The protestors also targeted some government offices in the city since the outbreak of the violent protests last week that has killed at least 11 people.

“Diplomacy is an important way of avoiding conflict and managing tensions. But that requires a safe space for diplomats to operate and build common understanding based on international standards,” he added.

“The way through this tense time is for Iraqis to take an Iraqi national patriotic approach, build bridges with each other across sect and ethnicity and be strong and confident enough together to deal with foreigners as potential partners, not as inherent threats,” he said.

Rejecting accusations against Iran, the diplomat said, “Iraqis should be reassured that conspiracy theories about US or Iranian hegemony in Iraq cannot be taken seriously when Sayyid Moqtada al Sadr and Sai’roon win an election and play a lead role in forming the government.” Sir’roon is the name of a bloc led by al Sadr, a long-time adversary of the United States who also has lodged criticism over what he says is Iranian influence in Iraq. His group emerged at the top in the May parliamentary elections in the war-torn Arab country.