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Majority of Americans Oppose War With Iran

Americans say by more than two-to-one margin that they would oppose going to war against Iran, a new HuffPost/YouGov survey finds.

Just 23% of the public say they would support the US deciding to declare war on Iran, while the majority, 53%, opposes the idea. Just 9% would strongly support declaring war, while 37% are strongly opposed.

Voters who backed Hillary Clinton in the last election are the most vehemently against the idea, with 82% opposed and just 6% in favor; non-voters are also opposed, 48% to 20%. 

Voters who backed President Donald Trump's campaign are more likely to support a war against Iran, but even among that group, backing remains below the majority level, with 47% saying they would support declaring war, and 29% that they would oppose it.

The survey was taken after Trump recently tweeted an all-caps warning to Iran's president, Hassan Rouhani, that threatening the US would end with him suffering "consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before."

About 60% of Americans polled say they had heard about Trump's tweet, although just 12% had seen it directly on Twitter, with the rest learning about it from the news.

Forty-nine percent of Americans–including three-quarters of Clinton voters, but just 29% of Trump voters–say they believe Trump would support declaring war on Iran. 

Overall, 36% of Americans say they approve of Trump's handling of issues related to Iran, while 42% disapprove, and the rest is uncertain. 

Polling earlier this year found decidedly mixed reactions to Trump's decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement, with much of the public saying they had not paid the matter much close attention.