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JCPOA Will Set the Premise for New Talks With 5 Powers

US government officials are not only prisoners of their own delusions, they are also imprisoned by the corrupt pressure groups whose scandals are being laid bare to the public on a daily basis

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Wednesday strongly rejected reports about a new agreement proposed by the three European countries (France, Britain and Germany) plus China and Russia that would address Iran’s regional role and missiles program, saying the countries could put a new agreement  on the table but only within the context of the 2015 nuclear deal. 

“This report was completely baseless. Even Reuters–which published it –later denied it,” Zarif said, ISNA reported.

On Sunday, Reuters cited an unnamed senior EU official as saying there would be discussions about a possible new pact between Iran and world powers that would cover the same ground as the 2015 deal but with some additions to appease the United States.

The discussion are to take place in Vienna on Friday and diplomats from Britain, Germany, France, China and Russia will discuss the next steps after the May 8 decision by US President Donald Trump to exit the nuclear accord, the report said.

“[The discussions] could include provisions to address US concerns over Iran’s ballistic missile program and Tehran’s support of armed groups in the Middle East, the source said.” 

Reuters later reported that the three EU sources who were part of negotiations said Friday’s meeting would address only the implementation of the 2015 deal.

Zarif said the whole episode has been part of “a war of nerves” seeking to put pressure on Iran.

“The truth is that the other sides are going to present us with a new package but only one which is restricted to JCPOA and nothing more,” he said, referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the official name of the Iran nuclear agreement. 

  Joint Commission

He said the JCPOA Joint Commission will convene Friday excluding the US to see how the other parties committed to the deal can give Iran assurances necessary for the country to stay in the agreement.

“We will only talk about the JCPOA in this meeting and our demands  have been enshrined in the deal,” he said.

Under Article 36 of the deal, if a party believes that another signatory is not meeting its commitments, it can refer the issue to the Joint Commission.

If the complaining side is not satisfied with how the commission addresses its concerns, it can then take its grievance to the United Nations Security Council.

  Pompeo’s Illusions

Zarif also called US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s irresponsible remarks about Iran “untrue” and based on “old illusions” and said Washington has indeed become a hostage to pressure groups.

“US government officials are not only prisoners of their own delusions, they are also imprisoned by the corrupt pressure groups whose scandals are being laid bare to the public on a daily basis,” he said.

He said Pompeo’s false comments are based upon the US’ old and failed policies that were expressed more brazenly and callously this time.

Zarif’s comments came after Pompeo set out 12 tough demands for inclusion in a new treaty with Iran during a speech announcing the US new strategy towards Tehran on Monday.

The US has urged Iran to permanently shut down any nuclear-related program and rewrite its regional policy, halt missile development, withdraw forces from Syria, release all US citizens in prison and end support for what Pompeo calls "terrorist" groups in the Middle East.