According to National Bank of Romania advisor Lucian Croitoru, Romania’s economic growth is problematic, as it is too big for its potential. In illustrating the current situation of the Romanian economy, which has seen the biggest growth in the EU over several quarters, Croitoru used an analogy, warning that Romania’s economy should not be overloaded, Business Review reported. “In order to evolve from the penultimate spot, from the point of view of the standard of living, on a better spot, we should boost economic growth. You will ask whether it is big enough. Yes, it is too big and this is the problem. A country must grow in line with its potential. Do you know how many times can a Formula 1 engine be used? For a maximum of two races. It cannot run any further. When a country is growing its economy a lot over its potential, like Formula 1 cars do, it is overloading its engine,” Croitoru said. According to Croitoru, the economy must grow at a sustainable rate.