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Leader Hails Syrian Resistance

The Leader called on all the elements of the resistance movement in the region to remain firm to prevent enemies from advancing their agenda

Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on Thursday praised the resistance put up by the Syrian people during years of war, saying that determination of Muslim nations would foil the plots hatched by the hegemonic powers.

"Syria is on the front line today. It is our duty to defend the Syrian resistance," he said in a meeting with Syrian Minister of Religious Endowments Mohammad Abdul-Sattar al-Sayyed and a number of scholars from the Arab country in Tehran.

Ayatollah Khamenei called Syrian President Bashar al-Assad a "great example of resistance" that never hesitated and stood strong, his official website reported.

 The Leader said the fact that some Muslim nations do not live in dignity cannot be blamed on them and it is rather the fault of their leaders.

"If a nation is ruled by leaders who feel dignity through Islam, and dignity within themselves, that nation will be a dignified nation," he noted, adding that the enemy would not be able to act against such people.

  Islamic Revolution

Citing Iran as an example of resistance, the Leader said the United States and a number of other major powers attempted to undermine the 1979 Islamic Revolution from day one and united against the country.

"But we survived and prospered. What is the meaning of this? It meant that, first and foremost, domineering powers would not necessarily achieve their goals."

If all nations come to the same understanding, they will be filled with hope and strength, Ayatollah Khamenei stated, calling on all the elements of the resistance movement in the region to remain firm to prevent enemies from advancing their agenda.