The Hungarian-American financier George Soros told the World Economic Forum in Davos on Thursday that “in the United States, President Trump would like to establish a mafia state, but can’t.”
Soros said he saw the current US president as a “temporary phenomenon” who would disappear by 2020, if not earlier, reported.
Soros issued a warning about both Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, saying the two seem “willing to risk a nuclear war to keep themselves in power.”
“Indeed, the United States is set on a course towards nuclear war by refusing to accept that [North] Korea has become a nuclear power.”
“This creates a strong incentive for North Korea to develop its nuclear capacity with all possible speed, which in turn may induce the United States to use its nuclear superiority pre-emptively, in effect to start a nuclear war to prevent a nuclear war, obviously a self-contradictory strategy.”
To head off a nuclear crisis, Soros recommended a “carrot and stick” approach in which North Korea is rewarded for “suspending further development of nuclear weapons.”
On the EU, Soros suggested “that a multi-speed, multi-track approach” would be the “most successful” solution to its problems.
“The refugee problem is a European problem” that needed a “European solution,” Soros said, saying he was once a refugee himself when he left Hungary for the United Kingdom after World War II, but stated he had been “much better treated” than refugees are today.
Soros also said “he would like to see Britain remain a country of the EU.”