The live-action/CGI animated comedy film ‘Paddington 2’, a sequel film following the misadventures of the namesake bear, has set a new record on Rotten Tomatoes, becoming the best-reviewed film ever on the American review aggregator website.
It has received 167 fresh reviews and zero negative responses, surpassing the previous record held by ‘Toy Story 2’ at 163 fresh and zero negative. Paddington 2 holds a rare and coveted 100% fresh score, the website of American magazine Entertainment Weekly reported.
According to the website criteria, if the positive reviews are less than 60%, the film is considered “rotten”. The “Certified Fresh” seal is reserved for movies that satisfy two criteria: a “Tomatometer” of 75% or better and at least 40 reviews (for limited release movies, otherwise 80) from “Tomatometer”-Critics (including 5 top critics).
Back in November, it seemed Greta Gerwig’s directorial debut ‘Lady Bird’ would surpass Toy Story 2, but it received one negative review, which knocked it from the top spot and pushed it down to 99 percent fresh.
Paddington Bear is a fictional character in children’s literature. He first appeared in 1958 in the children’s book ‘A Bear Called Paddington’ and has been featured in more than twenty books written by British author Michael Bond and illustrated by Peggy Fortnum and other artists.
The film sequel has earned universal praise, as well as several British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) nominations, including nods for Best British Film and one for Hugh Grant’s devilishly gleeful turn as the villainous actor Phoenix Buchanan.
The movie has been a critical success since its release in the US on January 12 and worldwide since last December.
Not only has Paddington 2 been praised for its excellent storytelling, but also the amazing CGI that went into Paddington seemingly come to life in his live-action surroundings. The movie does share more than a few notes with Toy Story 2 in that both are heartwarming children’s movies that adults can enjoy and they both pushed the boundaries of the technology of the time.