The collapse of the southern side of Arg Square structure, one of the valuable structures in Kerman Province, last Tuesday compelled heritage authorities to investigate the incident.
During a restoration project, a column and the ceiling linking the adjacent porticos collapsed.
This was blamed on contractors of the restoration project jointly undertaken by Kerman Municipality and the provincial office of Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization, CHTN reported. Each of the two entities has accused the other of causing damage due to carelessness. In response to accusations leveled at ICHHTO by the municipality in the media, Hamid Rouhi, cultural heritage deputy at the provincial ICHHTO, elaborated that non-standard thinning out of a column, supporting one of the structure's porticos caused the substantial damage.
"ICHHTO's experts had repeatedly warned the municipality's team about the wrong strategy that only fell on deaf ears," Rouhi said. According to the official, the municipality's team was in charge of restoring the columns. Rouhi added that documents and photos of the structure before and after the collapse will be presented to Kerman's Governorate.
"Inspectors and heritage experts at the governorate will be able to determine the real cause of the incident using these documents," he said. Dating back to the last Pahlavid rule (1925-79), Arg Square of Kerman was inscribed on the National Heritage List in 2001.