Iran took part in the Second World Conference on Tourism and Culture, held recently in Muscat, the capital of Oman, for developing marine tourism and attracting foreign investors in the field.
According to a report by ISNA, Mohammad Moheb-Khodaei, deputy for tourism at Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization who was attending the event, emphasized that the conference could be a big step toward expanding bilateral relations with Oman and other neighboring countries in marine tourism.
Abdolhossein Khedri, the representative of Iran's tourism in Oman, also said the conference was to explore synergies and strategies for the sustainable development of cultural tourism that generate resources for the conservation of cultural heritage while creating socioeconomic benefits for the communities.
Reportedly, 500 delegates from 75 countries attended the conference.
The second UN World Tourism Organization/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture features prominently as one of the official events on the calendar of activities of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.
The event brought together ministers of tourism and culture as well as private stakeholders and experts with the objective of building and strengthening partnerships between the tourism and cultural sectors, trying to enhance their role in the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
According to the event's website, 'tourism development and protection of cultural heritage', 'culture and tourism in urban development and creativity', 'exploring cultural landscape in tourism' and 'plans to achieve the 2030 agendas' were discussed in the conference.
The First World Conference was held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, in February 2015.