Iranol Oil Company, a major local car oil producer, has unveiled an online database that guides users in choosing the most appropriate vehicle lubricant based on the car model. The database is accessible through a Telegram bot, local automotive website Asbe Bokhar reported. Telegram is the most popular messaging application in Iran with some 45 million users. Bots are third-party applications that run inside Telegram. Users can interact with bots by sending them messages, commands and requests. Several local businesses are offering services through Telegram bots. Iranol’s Telegram bot is named “Roghanyabbot” (car oil finder bot in Persian). For accessing the database, users should search the bot’s name via Telegram’s search engine. After selecting one of the two main categories of heavy-duty vehicles and cars, the user is required to select a brand. The bot will then introduce the right engine oil, gearbox oil and antifreeze, depending on the user’s data.