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Trump Eyes Hard-Hitting Iran Approach

US President Donald Trump’s reported decision to adopt a more hardline stance toward Iran may include more provocative actions against Tehran and is ultimately aimed at reducing Iranian regional and global influence, according to Anthony Cartalucci, a geopolitical researcher. Citing US officials, Reuters on Monday reported that the proposal is intended to increase the pressure on Tehran to curb development of its missile program and support for resistance groups. Commenting on the possible steps Washington could take under the new plan, Cartalucci suggested that they may include “pouring immense resources into proxy militant groups” and a “more open escalation of already ongoing operations [in the region]”.

“The final card the US appears to be holding is the sponsorship and backing of Kurdish groups in Syria and Iraq. However, Syria and Iran also have ties with Kurdish groups; and in many places where there is no meaningful presence of Kurdish groups, Washington seeks to fight Iran by proxy,” he told Sputnik.