Pop singer, composer, trumpet player and music arranger Omid Hajili, 33, will give concert at the Milad auditorium of Tehran Permanent Fairground. Hajili’s concerts are slated for September 6-7, starting at 7 pm and 10:15 pm, according to the website of Iran Concert (iranconcert.com) where tickets are sold. He will perform a selection of his albums and singles. He has released three studio albums namely Allegro, 2009; Darkoub (woodpecker), 2010; and Hajilitto, 2016. His singles include Asheqetam (I love you), Gol-e-Nazam (my dear flower) and Bia Berim Boom (let’s go boom). The fairground, also known as Tehran Exhibition Center, is located off Chamran Expressway.