A score of new vacation houses have recently been opened in the northern city of Astaneh Ashrafieh in Gilan Province, the deputy head of the provincial office of Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization said.
"During Government Week [Aug. 24-30], 20 vacation rentals were unveiled in Astaneh Ashrafieh," Hamidreza Azarpour was also quoted by ISNA as saying on Wednesday.
"The vacation houses were constructed under a project that cost over $500,000, covering an area of 800 square meters and generating 20 jobs."
Azarpour highlighted the importance of addressing problems impeding plans to tap into the high potential of tourism industry in Gilan Province, but maintained that the measures undertaken so far have raised the prospects of having a prosperous tourism sector in Gilan.
A vacation rental is the renting out of a furnished apartment, house, or professionally managed condominium on a temporary basis to tourists. Villas, suites, rural and nomadic homes also serve as a vacation rental.
Northern Iranian provinces on the shores of the Caspian Sea, including Gilan, which abound with attractions, such as public beaches, seaside resorts, country retreats, nature trails, wooded mountains and scenic roads, are among top destinations of Iranian vacationers.
Schemes to promote tourism, including domestic trips by holidaymakers, figure high among plans pursued by the government of President Hassan Rouhani to generate jobs and spur the economy.
Iran's lack of acceptable lodging facilities is often mentioned as a major factor hampering the government's efforts to become a top tourist attraction.