Strongly condemning the May 21 ballistic missile launch conducted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the United Nations Security Council vowed to “fully and comprehensively implement all measures” imposed on the country and strongly urged all other UN member states to do the same. In a press statement, council members expressed their utmost concern over DPRK’s “highly destabilizing behavior and flagrant and provocative defiance” of the council by conducting this ballistic missile launch in violation of its international obligations under the body’s relevant resolutions, dating from 2006. “The members of the Security Council agreed that the Security Council would continue to closely monitor the situation and take further significant measures, including sanctions, in line with the council’s previously expressed determination,” the statement said.
Stressing that DPRK’s illegal ballistic missile activities are significantly contributing to its development of nuclear weapons delivery systems and are greatly increasing tension in the region and beyond, the council further regretted that the country is diverting resources to the pursuit of ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons while its own citizens “have great unmet needs”.