Ali Kardor, the managing director of National Iranian Oil Company, appointed Saeed Khoshrou on Sunday as NIOC's new director for international affairs. Saeed Khoshrou, who previously served as the company's deputy marketing manager, will replace Mohsen Qamsari, Shana reported. According to Kardor, maximizing revenues and reducing its transportation and maintenance costs top NIOC's priorities. Diversification of NIOC markets and customers of crude oil and petroleum products by using new international marketing methods are tasks Kardor has entrusted Khoshrou with in his new post. Khoshrou has served over 20 years in the oil industry with experience at the NIOC's international affairs department. Iran is mending trade ties with the world and is consistently boosting crude production capacity to match its pre-sanctions output level of around 4 million barrels a day. Iran, the third-largest producer of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, has raised crude production to around 3.8 million barrels a day.