A comprehensive plan for public lighting in the capital Tehran will be devised by the end of current fiscal year in March, according to a member of the Lighting Committee of the Tehran Beautification Organization (TBO), affiliated to Tehran Municipality.
Once the project is finalized, all the urban lighting projects in the capital should follow the regulations stipulated in the plan, said Babak Seyrafi, according to the public relations of the TBO. Based on the comprehensive plan, all residential, commercial, historical and religious places in the city will be identified for preparation of a uniform lighting plan.
“The neon lights and signboards of commercial units have distorted the city’s urban landscape to a great extent. They are not in harmony with surrounding architecture and contribute to the huge waste of energy,” Seyrafi said.
He said the lack of desirable lighting in green spaces may create public insecurity, but more importantly, “the imposing and aggressive lights of many shops and commercial units are inappropriate to their surrounding environment and disturbing to neighborhoods.”
Two special commissions of the Lighting Committee, ‘Urban Development and Architecture’ and ‘Power and Electronics,’ will review the plans submitted with regard to practicality, implementation methods, quality and materials for the project.
Opinion of experts in the commissions will be considered before the committee finalizes the comprehensive plan for public lighting in Tehran before the year is out.